Thursday, March 15, 2007

just checked: still fat.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

New Life

I've crawled out from the deep pits of loathing and despair. Life is actually good as a vegitarian, besides still craving fried chicken. Physically, I must admit I've had more energy, my colon loves me now, and that consuming leaves and chicken embryos have caused me to slim down a bit. 3 more weeks to go.

a letter of hope

Dear God,

Please give me courage in the absence of meat to not bite my boyfriend and his friends this Friday. I really like them and don't want them to think badly of me.


Christine (but you can call me Dragon)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


The quality of life has been compromised. Vegi4lyfe is a delusional state of being. Life without meat is life w/o Jesus, and the Bible!
Spirits down....21 more days.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

What's for Lunch 3/8/07

Today there will be no 4x4's or Extra Fat Double Egg Burgers, but instead I dine on Veggie on the Barbie, and Moroccan Lentil Soup. The Veggie on the Barbie is quite delightful and suprisingly tastely. Tofu, tomatos, sprouts, and asparagus hugged by two layers of wheat breat complete Veggie on the Barbie. I've yet to tase the Moroccan soup. So far so good.

even dragons have heart

today marks the journey of a meatless effort.
for one month i will not eat, dream, fantasize, or invite any edible creatures into my mouth.
the struggle is great but i am determined to push myself to the limit.
long live the veggie crusade!

"All those animals live a pretty dreary life, then they get chopped up and put on a griddle."
-our very own hero, Alec Baldwin

Day 1 A Group Effort

Today Bozz and Dragon have joined me in my month long abstinence...from meat. I must record temptation and pressure from family to "give up" and "just eat this", however I am still strong. I report from class at the moment and I'll have more to share later.